Despite comprising 17.8% of the armed forces, women continue to face obstacles both during their military service and after, and support systems have sometimes lagged...
Four recent MTSU graduates were commissioned as U.S. Army second lieutenants Friday (Dec. 21) during a formal ceremony in the Tom H. Jackson Building’s Cantrell Hall...
Members of an MTSU study-abroad course remembered a fallen alumnus recently on the site where he gave his life during an infamous battle in the..
Producer/Writer/Announcer: Gina Logue This revision of the Military Science “Middle in a Minute” acknowledges the change of command from Lt. Col. Therrel Kast to Lt...
Producer/Writer/Announcer: Gina Logue MTSU’s partnership with the U.S. Army calls for assisting the service in improving drone technology. Listen to: Unmanned Aerial Systems (Revised)..
Producer/Writer/Announcer: Gina Logue MTSU’s partnership with the U.S. Army calls for assisting the service in improving drone technology. Listen to: Unmanned Aerial Systems
MTSU President Sidney A. McPhee and Army Col. Timothy Baxter, project manager for the Army’s Unmanned Aircraft Systems office, signed an agreement on Aug. 18..
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Middle Tennessee State University unveiled a one-of-a-kind partnership with the U.S. Army Aug. 18 that further solidifies its reputation as a premier..
Producer/Writer/Announcer: Gina Logue Lt. Col. Therrel Kast, director of the MTSU Department of Military Science, talks about preparing young men and women for a life of..
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