Tips to successfully register for spring classes

Tips to successfully register for spring classes

William Ferguson studying outside STU.

By: Jordan Reining

It’s that time of year again, everyone. The leaves are falling, and the wind is picking up as the seasons change. The change of seasons brings class registration into view. From November 6-17, priority registration is open for the 2023 winter term and the 2024 spring semester. Registration can be a stressful time for many students. When everyone is gearing up for finals after a brief fall break, choosing the classes for the following semester tends to be on the lower end of the to-do list.  

Luckily for you, I have registered, added, and dropped classes, and completely scrapped my schedule before and I turned out fine! (I say all that to let you know I am qualified to talk about this). Whenever you start preparing to register, there are a few key things you must do. 

 First things first, make an appointment with your advisor! They are there to help you figure out what credits you still need and what courses satisfy your degree requirements. To make an appointment, login to Pipeline, click on Registration and Student Records, scroll down to “Priority Registration Tools” and select “Schedule an Advising Appointment”.  

Second, you need to find your assigned registration time. To do this, you will go to the same Registration and Student Records page on Pipeline. Then, scroll down to “Priority Registration Tools”, and select “Assigned Registration Time.” I would put this date in your calendar! 

This is not required, but I highly encourage it. Once you get an idea of what classes you want to take, look up the classes and the professors that teach them on! Students will post reviews of the class and what they liked or disliked about the professor’s teaching style. I have held on to this website like a lifeline every time I register for classes, and so far, it has not let me down. 

Though it can be a process, I like to compile the classes I want to take and list each professor (after looking them up on RateMyProfessor) I want with their assigned class times and course numbers. Once I have the complete list, I create my ideal schedule on to get a visual layout of a typical week.  

Once I have everything planned out and written down, it makes the actual process of registering a breeze.  

To register, you will need the course numbers (CRN) which can be found when you look up the classes in Pipeline. Once you have these, you will again go to Registration and Student Records and select “Add or Drop Classes”. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and input each course number under “Add Classes Worksheet”. When finished, click “Select Changes”, wait for the page to refresh and you will have officially registered for classes. Make sure to double check that each class was successfully added.  

To view a much more in-depth guide, you can find the official Spring 2024 Registration Guide  here.