February’s ‘First Monday’ MTSU t...

February’s ‘First Monday’ MTSU tornado-siren testing canceled

A U.S. flag stands in the rubble of a neighborhood struck by a deadly EF5 tornado that ravaged Moore, Oklahoma, and nearby areas May 20, 2013, killing 24 people and injuring 212 others. The tornado, which stayed on the ground for 37 minutes over a 17-mile path that crossed through a heavily populated area of the town, was part of a larger weather system that produced several other tornadoes across the Great Plains over the previous two days, including five that struck portions of Central Oklahoma the day before. (Photo by RevDP/Pixabay)

UPDATED 10 a.m. Feb. 1: MTSU‘s tornado sirens are getting a snow day! No tornado siren tests will be conducted Monday, Feb. 1, by the University Police Departmentas originally planned, because of snow showers in the area.

Barring inclement weather, the tornado-siren testing will resume as scheduled in March.



MTSU plans to test its tornado sirens on campus and at the Miller Coliseum Complex Monday, Feb. 1, at 11:20 a.m.

The test, conducted by the University Police Department, is once again a brief, routine dry run for the MTSU system. No safety actions are necessary.

MTSU notifies the campus and surrounding neighborhoods before each siren test. The university uses a “first Monday” monthly tornado-siren testing schedule to minimize distractions for the campus and its neighbors.

Under the plan, even if a siren test date falls on a university holiday, the department will still conduct the scheduled test. MTSU cancels tornado-siren testing if inclement weather is in the area at test time, however.

Members of the campus community can prepare for emergency weather by checking MTSU’s list of recommended shelters at The complete siren-testing schedule also is available at

Remember: When there’s a weather emergency, all students, faculty and staff automatically receive a Rave alert at their MTSU email addresses.

MTSU community members who also want text and/or voice notifications can use the “click here and log in” link at to begin those alerts.

— Gina E. Fann (

