MTSU urges alumni, friends to boost students with ...

MTSU urges alumni, friends to boost students with 6th annual True Blue Give

Blue Raider alumni and supporters can again show their love for Middle Tennessee State University and its educational mission during the sixth annual True Blue Give.

Officially running Tuesday through Thursday, Feb. 14-16, the goal of the 72-hour special valentine fundraising effort is to raise $650,000 in gifts of support from university friends for academics, athletics and scholarships.

Kristen Keene, associate director of annual giving/special projects in MTSU’s Development Office.
Kristen Keene

“I know we are going to have so many tremendous alumni and faculty and staff participate in this fundraising effort, and I am overwhelmed each year when gifts start coming in from all over Tennessee and the country,” said Kristen Keene, director of annual giving/special projects for MTSU Development and Advancement Services

“It just goes to show how proud our alumni and friends are of MTSU. Once a Blue Raider, always a Blue Raider! This time of year is so exciting!”

Started in 2018, True Blue Give is a crowdfunding movement created by alumni and friends. Supporters make a gift online or by text during the three-day effort to show their support for current MTSU students by giving to areas on campus with critical needs. 

Supporters have raised over $2.3 million for scholarships, emergency funds, the student food pantry, academics and athletics during the past five years.

Click the image to give!
Click the image to give!

Priorities for True Blue Give 2023 are:

• Scholarships.

• Student mental health counseling.

• The “Safety Net Fund” for students with unstable housing.

• The Athletics Department’s Build Blue Now! campaign, including MT tennis.

• Support for academic colleges or departments.

True Blue supporters wanting to get a head start can give now by going to or by texting MTSU to 71777.

Gifts in any amount will be appreciated. Raising scholarship support is a key priority, since 75% of MTSU students qualify for some form of financial aid.

The True Blue Give webpage allows donors to target gifts to specific colleges, departments and programs throughout the university.

In a testimonial and thank you video on the True Blue Give webpage, Honors student Elliot Certain, a social work major and member of the Class of 2024, said financial support via the university has been critical to his success. 

“It is incredibly important that I continue to receive financial aid and the scholarships I have applied for, because otherwise I wouldn’t be able to go to school,” Certain said. “Without your help, I absolutely could not get an education, and I’m eternally grateful.”

For more information about True Blue Give, go to or contact Keene at 615-898-2728 or

— Jimmy Hart (

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