TULLAHOMA, Tenn. — Tullahoma-area residents who attended an informational event organized by MTSU’s University College are a few steps closer to finishing their degree.
At the Finish Your Degree Q&A on Feb. 6 adults could talk to degree counselors, advisors and other representatives from both MTSU and Motlow State Community College about getting readmitted, registered for classes, and what options are available to them so they can finish faster and get a degree that will advance their careers.

Dr. Peggy Carpenter
“Because we can offer college credit for a student’s prior work and training, we can make help these students finish faster,” said Dr. Peggy Carpenter, assistant dean of University College. “Once adults realize they can earn an average of 21 credits from their prior learning before they even start it really motivates them to re-apply and begin their journey with us.”
MTSU’s Prior Learning Assessment allows working adults to earn college credit for learning acquired from work and training. In the PLA course, students create a detailed portfolio of their professional competencies, training and certifications, and other experiential learning. Students can potentially earn up to two years of college credit from their prior learning.

MTSU University College representatives speak to a prospective students at the Finish Your Degree event held Feb. 6 at the D.W. Wilson Community Center in Tullahoma, Tenn. (MTSU photo by Hunter Patterson)
“I’ve already been emailing with Dr. Carpenter since the event and had a degree evaluation done,” said Gwin Sisk, a 54-year-old Tullahoma resident who last attended college in 2013. “I am so ready to just jump in with both feet.”
Sisk was also one of five attendees whose name was randomly drawn for a scholarship. She plans to start with an online course in March and then enroll in an Applied Leadership Intensive in May.
“This is all coming together for me at the right time and I am so excited about it!” she said.
Many of the people attending the event were like Sisk — exploring their options to finish their degree. With specialized programs for adults, online options and offerings like Prior Learning Assessment, MTSU is the perfect place to restart that journey. MTSU offers a free degree evaluation, and those interested should visit MTSU.edu/FinishNow to learn more.
MTSU will be back in Tullahoma in May — May 15-17 and May 29-31 — when a portion of the Applied Leadership program will be offered at Motlow State’s Moore County campus. The course, Leadership Tools and Self-Assessment, will meet on two Friday-Sunday periods. Some online coursework will also be required.
To register for the class or to learn more, click here.
— Hunter Patterson (Hunter.Patterson@mtsu.edu)