MTSU Department of Physics and Astronomy professor Eric Klumpe led a special Transit of Venus Star Party, held Tuesday, June 5, at the observatory next to Old Main Circle.
Transits occur when a planet crosses between Earth and the sun. Only Mercury and Venus, which are closer to the sun than Earth, can experience this alignment. In this transit, Venus will looked like a black dot going across the face of the sun for about a six-hour period. The Transit of Venus will not occur again until the year 2117.
Klumpe, associate professor Chuck Higgins and MTSU Astronomy Club students set up telescopes for viewing and discussion about the transit.
MTSU Department of Physics and Astronomy professor Eric Klumpe led a special Transit of Venus Star Party on June 5 at the observatory next to Old Main Circle. Transits occur when a planet crosses between Earth and the sun. Only Mercury and Venus, which are closer to the sun…
MTSU Department of Physics and Astronomy Professor Eric Klumpe will lead a special Transit of Venus Star Party on Tuesday, June 5, from 5 until 8 p.m. at the observatory next to Old Main Circle. Transits occur when a planet crosses between Earth and the sun. Only Mercury and Venus,…
Professor Eric Klumpe will lead the next MTSU Department of Physics and Astronomy's First Friday Star Party starting at 6:30 p.m. April 6 in Wiser-Patten Science Hall Room 102. Klumpe will share his “Funky Fizix in Film: Life on Mars” lecture with the audience. First Friday Star Parties are a…