Synopsis: The editor of “Governmental Responses to Natural Disasters in the U.S.: A Documentary History” examines government’s role in responding to floods, hurricanes, earthquakes and other crises.
In the aftermath of Hurricane Florence, the “MTSU On the Record” radio program examined government’s role in responding to natural disasters. Host Gina Logue’s interview with Dr. John Vile, dean of the University Honors College and a prolific author and editor of books on American government, first aired Sept. 25 on WMOT-FM…
Producer/Host: Gina Logue Guest: Danario Deveaux Synopsis: The senior actuarial science major from Nassau, the Bahamas, talks about the devastation caused by Hurricane Dorian.
FREEPORT, Bahamas — Three planes comprising Middle Tennessee State University’s third Raider Relief mission to the Bahamas delivered about 6,000 pounds in relief supplies Friday, Sept. 20, to the families of students enrolled at MTSU who were affected by Hurricane Dorian. Tiara Ashley Brown, president of MTSU’s Bahamian Student Organization, accompanied…