MTSU’s award-winning Blue Raider Debate Team will tackle one of the most contentious workplace issues of our times Thursday, Nov. 9, when they explore the difference between men’s and women’s wages.
The Murfreesboro chapter of the American Association of University Women will sponsor the debate on “Resolved: The United States should craft legislation to close the wage gap” from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Nov. 9 at MTSU’s Miller Education Center, 503 E. Bell St. in Murfreesboro.
The event is free and open to the public.

Dia Cirillo

Dr. Patrick Richey
MTSU’s Blue Raider Debate Team “will discuss the importance of the issue as well as the issue’s complexity in a friendly scrimmage-style debate,” said Dr. Pat Richey, director of forensics. “Each speaker will deliver a seven-minute address.”
Murfreesboro AAUW President Dia Cirillo will make introductory remarks, and student chapter president Jennifer Crow, a senior sociology major from Lascassas, Tennessee, will moderate the debate.
Sophomore journalism major Imaan Malik from Murfreesboro; senior English and organizational communication major Abigail Barnes from Morristown, Tennessee; and freshman public administration major Laura Hayes from Sioux Falls, South Dakota, will speak in support of the resolution.
Senior political science major Devin Irish from Rockwood, Tennessee; media arts and sociology major Jordan Nickell from Jackson, Tennessee; and senior political science and history major James Fingeroot from Nashville, Tennessee, will oppose the resolution.
While MTSU debate dates back to the origins of the institution, the university’s debate program has seen considerable success since its revival seven years ago. Earlier this year, the Tennessee General Assembly honored the program with a joint resolution extolling its accomplishments.
AAUW advances equity for women and girls through advocacy, education, philanthropy, and research. AAUW membership is open to college students and anyone with a college degree, including a two-year degree.
For more information about the debate, contact Richey at 615-898-2273 or or Cirillo at 773-677-4238 or
— Gina K. Logue (