MTSU’s fifth annual Alumni Spring Weekend se...

MTSU’s fifth annual Alumni Spring Weekend set April 21-24

MTSU Alumni Spring Weekend events will be held April 21-24 at various on- and off-campus venues.

This marks the fifth annual Alumni Spring Weekend and all alumni, guests and families are invited back to campus for a series of open houses and other exciting events, said Paul Wydra, assistant director in the Office of Alumni Relations.

All events will be listed on and events are constantly being added or updated as Alumni Spring Weekend approaches. The alumni office recently emailed invitations to alumni and friends and will send follow-up email invitations in early April.

College of Basic and Applied Sciences Dean Bud Fischer, left, leads a tour in the new Science Building during Spring into Middle Alumni Spring Weekend for alumni and friends of the university in this April 2015 file photo. (MTSU file photos by Andy Heidt)

College of Basic and Applied Sciences Dean Bud Fischer, left, leads a tour in the new Science Building during Spring into Middle Alumni Spring Weekend for alumni and friends of the university in this April 2015 file photo. (MTSU file photos by Andy Heidt)

No registration is required except for the 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, April 24, Alumni Spring Weekend Lunch in the Student Union Blue Raider Grill. The cost is $5 per person.

Highlights include:

  • A performance of “West Side Story” at 7:30 p.m. April 20-24 in Tucker Theatre.
  • An aerospace alumni barbecue at the Flight Operations Center at Murfreesboro Airport and tours of the air traffic control simulator in the Business and Aerospace Building.
  • Open houses for the Baldwin Gallery and photography lab.
  • The MTSU Symphony Concert at 8 p.m. April 23 and the MTSU Brass Chamber Ensemble Orchestra at 7:30 p.m. April 24. Both will be held in the T. Earl Hinton Music Hall of the Wright Music Building.
  • One-day alumni pass for guests to the Campus Recreation Center and a 20 percent discount certificate for clothing and gifts during Phillips Bookstore’s Salute to Spring. The discount certificate is available from at The Alumni House, 2259 Middle Tennessee Blvd., or at the alumni table in the Student Union April 23.

Alumni Spring into Middle72“The main reason for Alumni Spring Weekend is to have alumni, friends and families return to campus and see the tremendous growth of the university in the past several years,” Wydra said.

“We know that during homecoming time can be limited so, we wanted to have a spring event where you could get to see different buildings, programs and take a tour to see everything new on campus,” he added.

For more information, visit the website or call 615-898-2922.

— Randy Weiler (

Alumni and friends of MTSU enjoy the School of Agribusiness and Agriscience breakfast in this April 2015 file photo during Alumni Spring Weekend. The ag alumni banquet will be held at 6 p.m. April 23 in the Tennessee Room of the James Union Building.

Alumni and friends of MTSU enjoy the School of Agribusiness and Agriscience breakfast in this April 2015 file photo during Alumni Spring Weekend. The ag alumni banquet will be held at 6 p.m. April 23 in the Tennessee Room of the James Union Building.