‘Angels in America’ takes wing April 4-7 at Tucker...

‘Angels in America’ takes wing April 4-7 at Tucker Theatre

MTSU’s Department of Theatre and Dance will present Tony Kushner’s Pulitzer Prize-winning play “Angels in America: Millennium Approaches” April 4-7 in Tucker Theatre.

Deborah Anderson will direct the compelling production, and the curtains will go up at 7:30 nightly.

With a cast of eight playing multiple roles, the play tackles issues of politics, religion, death and love. “Angels in America” takes place during the AIDS epidemic of the 1980s and follows the life of Prior Walker, a man who is abandoned by his lover after he reveals his illness. Simultaneously, another story unfolds as Joe Pitt, a Mormon man, is faced with the challenge of compromising his values or honoring them.

“‘Angels in America’ explores, reveals and celebrates what it means to be human, flaws and all,” Anderson said. “It advocates tolerance and criticizes hypocrisy. The relationships between all these characters are heartbreaking, and Kushner forces us to contemplate what we owe to ourselves and what we owe to love.”

The complete “Angels in America” play is about seven hours long and is divided into two parts: “Millennium Approaches” and “Perestroika.” Please note that the play’s subject matter includes nudity, images of graphic sexuality, profanity and other adult themes.

General-admission tickets for “Angels in America: Millennium Approaches” are $10 for adults and $5 for K-12 students and MTSU faculty and staff. MTSU students will be admitted free with a valid student ID.

Tickets may be purchased online at via the “Purchase Tickets” button on the left toolbar. Tickets also will be available at the door before the performance.

For more information, please call 615-494-8810.