Happy International Students’ Day! One year ago, I wrote and sponsored a Student Government Association resolution for Middle Tennessee State University to officially recognize Nov...
It took a long flight from Vietnam to America. I still remember it was a day beginning in March 2019. Can you guess what my..
In April 2017, I went on a college tour which included five schools and MTSU was one of them. The tour was arranged by a..
I am Temitope. I came from Nigeria to pursue my dream of becoming a professional in Healthcare Informatics as I have always had a keen..
Traveling from the beautiful islands and cays of The Bahamas to the United States to pursue a degree was a reality that wasn’t a reality..
I came from Saudi Arabia to pursue the career of my dreams, Aviation Management. What got me into the Aerospace industry is my dad because..
Most people call me Matoom, which is a type of fruit, but my legal name is Nakanya Rodruepid. I came about 9,000 miles from my home country of..
By: Kobe Hermann It may be tough for you to picture (at least it is for me), but I want you to imagine something crazy...
Russia, Why could I not have stayed longer? You made it so hard to say goodbye. Before the trip, we had to have a meeting..
Contributing Writer: Wendy Anderson, MTSU Multimedia Journalism, Fashion Merchandising As Nashville’s population continues to grow, so do its industries — specifically fashion. According to the..
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