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Global Raiders: Bahamian student knew she was R...

Global Raiders: Bahamian student knew she was ‘home’ after setting foot on MTSU’s campus

Amber Ferguson left her home in the Bahamas to attend MTSU.

In April 2017, I went on a college tour which included five schools and MTSU was one of them. The tour was arranged by a high school youth development organization I was a part of called Junior Achievement. When I set foot on the campus of MTSU, I instantly knew it was home. It just felt right and even familiar although I had never been there before. Everyone I met and everywhere I went I felt people were caring, involved, interested, kind, and helpful; they seemed to love what they did and where they were. It was an atmosphere that I loved.

Being an international student can be hard anywhere. There are many requirements that you must meet and many rules that are very important to follow. There are also a lot of things you cannot do which can sometimes make you feel overwhelmed. However, the International Office at MTSU continuously tries to ease your mind and keep you up to date. They also put on many events to make you feel involved and apart of campus life. The staff in the international office are very helpful. Even when they can’t help, they recommend someone who can and they ensure that you’ve got it figured out. It makes me feel good knowing that I have people I can talk to and rely on when I’m confused or just need a friendly ear.

Thinking back on my time at MTSU so far, I have to say it was enjoyable and I still feel that I made the right choice for me.  With home being almost 1,000 miles away, it was hard being away from my family and friends. However, with the help of people around campus who were so welcoming, I was able to create a family away from home. This helped me feel more rooted because I knew that there were people around me, I could always call for help.

A lot of people believe that college is the place where you find yourself and, I believe in some ways I did. On first coming to college I was very shy and reserved. It was hard for me to put myself out there to meet people and also, to speak up in class. Now I am more open and willing to start conversations with others. I believe the best way to reach other people is by going to different student connection points, athletic games and joining organizations. By doing this I was able to meet many different people while having fun. MTSU continuously tries to keep students involved on campus. My favorite semester is the Fall Semester because there are so many activities for students to attend, for example Crash the Commons, which is a free concert and carnival for students and the Halloween Haunted House where students and staff dress up and decorate the student union ballroom.

When first coming to college I wanted to major in something that had a strong math concentration. I have always loved mathematics; all the way through high school. The summer before I started college, I worked in the Actuarial Department at an insurance company. That job, plus my love of math sealed the deal on my decision to study actuarial science. However, along the way, I decided, I didn’t want to be an Actuary, I now wanted to become a lawyer. So I changed my major.  However my love for mathematics hasn’t gone anywhere, so I am minoring in mathematics. So, if you are not sure about what you want to study, don’t panic and don’t be afraid to change your mind.  It is all part of the college and growing experience.

My journey here at MTSU is almost over, but what an experience it has been so far! I can’t wait to see what my last year brings me!”

Contributing writer Amber Ferguson is a senior majoring in Political Science. She is part of the International Student Ambassador program that was launched in the Fall of 2020 by the Office of International Affairs. Ambassadors mentor incoming international students to help them adjust to the United States and give advice about getting involved on campus and how to be successful at MTSU.