Best Napping Spots on Campus

Student napping on the fourth floor of the James E. Walker Library on campus. Photo by Angele Latham.

There are certain essential things that you just have to know in order to survive in college: how to do citations, how to make pizza, and most importantly, where the best napping spots on campus are. To get the most out of your valuable nap breaks, read below for six of the best napping spots at MTSU, and three spots you want to avoid.

Second Floor of the Student Union

Students laying down on couches in the second floor of the Student Union Building. Photo by Angele Latham.

Students napping on couches on the second floor of the Student Union Building. Photo by Angele Latham.

Most students just drop by the student union to grab a bite to eat, and never realize the wonderful napping possibilities that the building contains. On the second floor, to the left of the elevators, there’s a wide array of high-backed couches and chairs that are more than large enough for napping, and set far enough apart to give nappers some privacy. It’s also a very quiet space, despite the bustle of the food court below, and there’s plenty of natural light. One of the best features of this napping spot is that very few students know about it, so you’re likely to get a large amount of space all to yourself.

Second Floor of the Science Building

Student napping in the second floor of the Science Building. Photo by Angele Latham.

Student napping in the second floor of the Science Building. Photo by Angele Latham.

Another little-known napping area, the second floor of the new science building has plenty of nooks and crannies to give you privacy and coziness during your nap. The biggest plus of this building is that it’s one of the quietest buildings on campus, in spite of its large size. The only con is that it can be a little tricky to navigate, so this spot is more ideal for a long snooze than a quick cat nap. 

Fourth Floor of the Library

Student napping on the fourth floor of the James E. Walker Library on campus. Photo by Angele Latham.

Student napping on the fourth floor of the James E. Walker Library on campus. Photo by Angele Latham.

Easily the most popular napping spot on campus, the biggest benefit of the library is that it’s easily accessible and centrally located, so it’s just a short walk away no matter where your classes are. Plus, the Starbucks on the first floor offers quick pick-me-ups for when you need to snap out of your sleepy state. For the best sleeping experience, take a nap earlier in the day; the library is often at its most crowded in the late afternoon and evening, and even the quiet zones on the fourth floor tend to get noisy at peak times.

Honors Building Lounge

Student napping by the fireplace in the lounge of the University Honors College. Photo by Angele Latham.

Student napping by the fireplace in the lounge of the University Honors College. Photo by Angele Latham.

One of the prettiest buildings on campus, the honors building features a couch-filled lounge that’s perfect for a catnap or a long snooze. In a building as quiet and stately as this one, you won’t ever want to get up. The only drawbacks are that the honors building is on the far side of campus and contains only a limited amount of napping space, so plan your midday sleep in advance if this spot if your top choice.

BAS Courtyard

Student napping in a tree in the Business & Applied Sciences Building courtyard. Photo by Angele Latham.

Student napping in a tree in the Business & Applied Sciences Building courtyard. Photo by Angele Latham.

Gorgeous weather? A nap in the fresh air and sunshine is extra refreshing, and there’s no better spot for an outdoor siesta that the courtyard in the middle of the BAS. With plenty of grassy nooks and flat brick steps, there are lots of spots to spread a blanket or a jacket and stretch out for a snooze.

First Floor of the LRC

Student napping in the first floor of the McWherter Learning Resource Center (LRC). Photo by Angele Latham.

Student napping in the first floor of the McWherter Learning Resource Center (LRC). Photo by Angele Latham.

The Learning Resource Center is one of MTSU’s most overlooked buildings in general, so it makes sense that it’s hiding plenty of unused nap spots. The first floor contains mazes of hallways that are dotted with couches, oversized chairs, and booths with high backs that give plenty of napping privacy. Another benefit? The LRC is one of the lowest-traffic buildings on campus, so you’re very likely to find a quiet spot.

Spots to Avoid: 

Peck Hall: It’s impossible to get a good nap here. Benches are few and far between, and universally uncomfortable. The only napping spots are in the halls, so noise levels are high and privacy is nonexistent.

James Union Building: The primary napping spot here is in the main lobby, which is gray and dreary on the best of days. The chairs here are sparse, old, and guaranteed to leave you with muscle cramps.

Campus dining halls: You’ve got to applaud people for trying to nap here, but the high traffic and noise levels make the dining halls uncomfortable at best. The only benefit is that you’ll wake up near pizza.