Many renovations of campus buildings are underway or were recently completed. Here is a brief update on recent and current projects.
Davis Science Building

The Davis Science Building is undergoing renovations to upgrade and expand instructional space for the College of Basic and Applied Sciences. (MTSU photos by News and Media Relations)
Renovations continue on the Davis Science and Wiser-Patten Science Buildings. The project-design documents are complete, and internal demolition has begun. Building mobilization is planned by fall 2016, with occupancy expected in January 2017.
Renovations include a connector between the two buildings that will create a new central entrance for both. The upgrades will provide ADA accessibility within both buildings and includes installation of new elevators at Wiser-Patten. Strobel Annex between Davis and Wiser-Patten eventually will be removed.
Programs benefiting most from this renovation include Geosciences, Physics, Anthropology and Forensic Science and new offices for the College of Basic and Applied Sciences academic advisors.
Wiser-Patten Science Building

Renovations have begun on the Wiser-Patten Science Building.
McFarland Building

Photos are on display just inside the entrance to the McFarland Building. Renovations are complete on the building on the north side of campus, which now houses the Photography Department.
The McFarland Building renovation project is complete. The building has been renovated to accommodate the relocation of the Photography Department from the former Photography Building that is being razed near the quad.
Demolition of the former Photography Building is almost complete, eventually providing an open green space between Davis Science and Bragg Mass Communication.
Expected to be finished by the end of May, the demolition is part of the university’s master plan, and the remaining open area eventually will have improvements made to sidewalks and landscaping.
Former Photography Building Razed

Demolition of the former Photography Building in front of the new Science Building wrapped up in recent weeks.
Bell Street Building

Middle Tennessee State University’s Bell Street property, shown here, is being renovated by Turner Construction Co.
Project manager Turner Construction “is making excellent progress” on the former Middle Tennessee Medical Center property on Bell Street and completion is planned by early 2016, said Patti Miller, assistant vice president for campus planning and university architect.
Occupants will include graduate business studies for Jennings A. Jones College of Business, University College, the Center for Counseling and Psychological Services, and the brand-new Center for Chinese Music and Culture.
The site will also include a satellite office for the MTSU Police Department as well as office space for Event Coordination.
In addition, there will be lighting improvements in the garage and new lighting in the surface parking lots as well as new fencing around the green space. Fencing installation is expected to begin this summer and a historic marker will eventually be placed there in commemoration of the site once being home to Rutherford Hospital and Middle Tennessee Medical Center.
Flight Simulator Building
The Flight Simulator Building project is designed to house new and existing flight simulators for the Department of Aerospace. Construction has started and is planned for completion by fall 2015. The facility will be located at Murfreesboro Airport.
Warehouse Upgrades

The warehouse on Greenland Drive will be renovated beginning this summer. (Photo by MTSU News and Media Relations)
Renovations to the warehouse off Greenland Drive that houses Procurement Services will include upgrades to restrooms and installation of a conference area as well as reworking a portion of the loading dock and office space. Construction is expected to start in summer 2015 and be finished sometime this winter.
“That’s a really important project. They provide such a vital service for the university,” Miller noted. “The staff has had to grow because of the volume of the work they do, so they need adequate space.”
Intramural Field Lighting

The university has begun installing lighting on the intramural fields off East Main Street so students now will be able to play games at night.
Intramural/Recreational Field Lighting. The university has begun installing lighting on the intramural fields off East Main Street so students now will be able to play games at night. Because of extended periods of rain earlier this spring, construction crews are waiting for the fields to dry a bit more before completion. All installation should be finished by late summer, early fall.
Underground Utility Project

Underground utility work has temporarily closed a portion of the Cope Administration Building’s east lot.
Underground Electrical Project. Campus Construction is beginning the final phase of the Underground Electrical Project. The latest phase includes the installation of an emergency generation for the Cope Administration Building. Work is planned to start Monday, May 11, and requires a portion of the Cope Administration East parking lot to be blocked off beginning Sunday, May 10. The lot will remain blocked off until mid-July.
— Jimmy Hart (