Holiday dance enthusiasts can celebrate once again with the Dance Theatre of Tennessee’s touring production of “The Nutcracker” Dec. 14 and 15 at MTSU’s Tucker Theatre.

Snow is in the forecast on stage in Murfreesboro this weekend! Dance Theatre of Tennessee will perform “The Nutcracker” at 7 p.m. Saturday and 2 p.m. Sunday in MTSU’s Tucker Theatre. Get more details, including ticket information, by clicking on the photo.
(Photos courtesy of Dance Theatre of Tennessee/Martin O’Connor Photography)
Performances are set for 7 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 14, and 2 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 15.
This is the fourth year for the Dance Theatre of Tennessee’s “Nutcracker” performances at MTSU, and this year’s shows will feature a surprise celebrity appearing as “Mother Ginger.”
The opening scene also will feature an adoptable dog as part of Dance Theatre of Tennessee’s partnership with local pet adoption agencies.
Young dance enthusiasts also can enjoy a “Nutcracker” story time in the Tucker Theatre lobby at the Sunday afternoon event, along with photo opportunities with the Sugar Plum Fairy.
Tickets for “The Nutcracker” are $25 for adults and $20 for children and are available online at and at the door.
Tickets purchased online in advance will receive reserved seating in the first five rows of Tucker Theatre; tickets purchased at the door will be first-come first-served general admission seating.
Through a special partnership with Middle Tennessee Electric Membership Cooperative called “Holiday Magic,” underserved youngsters in the community also can attend one of the performances free.
Social service agencies should call 615-391-5500 or email with “Holiday Magic Ticket Request” in the subject line as soon as possible, organizers said, because free tickets are very limited.
For more information about this Dance Theatre of Tennessee performance, please call 615-391-5500 or visit or

The Arabian dancer is part of the troupe performing with Dance Theatre of Tennessee this weekend at MTSU’s Tucker Theatre.

The Spanish dancers will perform for Clara and the Nutcracker Prince as well as audiences at MTSU’s Tucker Theatre Dec. 14 and 15.