Almost 300 Middle Tennessee State University students are included on the latest dean’s list for their academic achievements for the summer 2023 semester.

This new list, alphabetized by home county, state and surname, is the final compilation by the MTSU Registrar’s Office of the names and hometowns of 295 undergraduate students earning the dean’s list distinction for the summer.
The searchable PDF is available.

To qualify for the dean’s list, an undergraduate student must maintain a current semester grade-point average of at least 3.5 and have earned at least 12 semester hours.
The dean’s list notation applies only to undergraduate students. MTSU updates the lists after each semester ends and student grades are posted.
An archive of recent dean’s lists by semester is available.
Please note: The MTSU Registrar’s Office provides dean’s list information, which is compiled from data from each student’s official records. For questions about an individual student’s inclusion on the list, please contact the Registrar’s Office at
— Jimmy Hart (