An impressive lineup of speakers and special events highlight MTSU’s fall 2019 Honors Lecture Series on “Suffrage,” with the most recent event held Monday, Sept. 23, featuring a panel of state lawmakers.
The series, part of an Honors College upper division class, is held every at 3 p.m. Monday (except Oct. 14 for fall break). The lectures are free and open to the public and are part of a longstanding series every fall and spring. For a full list of lectures, visit

Dr. Mark Byrnes

State Rep. Charlie Baum
Provost Mark Byrnes moderated Monday’s “Civic Participation, Citizenship and Voting in Tennessee: A Legislative Panel,” which will include Rep. Mike Carter, Sen. Shane Reeves and Reps. Bryan Terry and Charlie Baum, an MTSU faculty member.
All other fall lecture series sessions will be held in the Paul W. Martin Sr. Honors Building’s Simmons Amphitheater (Room 106), 1737 Blue Raider Drive.
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State Rep. Mike Carter

State Sen. Shane Reeves

State Rep. Bryan Terry
“The Honors College is pleased to offer this interdisciplinary series on ‘Suffrage’ in the semester leading up to the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment granting women the right to vote in the United States,” said Associate Dean Philip Phillips.
“This series supports MTSU’s ongoing commitment to promoting civic education and civic discourse on our campus, in our community and across our nation.”
Phillips said he is “especially grateful to Dr. Mary Evins, resident Honors faculty member and director of the American Democracy Project at MTSU, for organizing such an outstanding lineup for this semester’s series.”

Dr. Philip Phillips

Dr. Mary A. Evins
Marian Ott (Sept. 30), Albert Bender (Oct. 7), MTSU history professor Pippa Holloway(Oct. 21), Carole Stanford Bucy (Oct. 28), Michael Burns (Nov. 4) and MTSU history professor Amy Sayward (Nov. 11) complete the lineup of series speakers.
Ott is president of the Tennessee League of Women Voters, Bender is an attorney with the American Indian Coalition and Bucy is a history professor at Volunteer State Community College. Burns is national director of the Campus Vote Project at the Fair Elections Center in Washington, D.C.

Dr. Sekou Franklin
The series began Sept. 9 with a lecture by MTSU political science and international relations professor Sekou Franklin. His talk was on the 15th Amendment and African-American Voter Justice.
The special events that were part of this year’s series include the Sept. 16 conversation between former U.S. Vice President Al Gore Jr. and historian Anthony Badger of Cambridge Universityon the topic “Albert Gore Sr.: Voting Rights, Civil Rights and Public Policy”; and a Sept. 17 Constitution Day-related panel discussion — “Suffragists and Citizenship,” featuring University of South Carolina historian Marjorie Spruill, state Rep. London Lamar of Memphis and New York Times opinion writer and Nashville author Margaret Renkl. Both events were held in Tucker Theatre.
To learn more about the Honors College, visit or call 615-898-2152.
— Randy Weiler (