The latest MTSU personnel to lend their expertise to national news agencies shared insights on First Amendment rights for federal government employees and keeping the campus community safe with technology and person-to-person communication.

Dr. John Vile
Westlaw Journal Government Contract published comments by Dr. John Vile, dean of the University Honors College and a constitutional law scholar, in its Oct. 28 edition.

Chief Buddy Peaster
Vile examined the case of a U.S. Navy chaplain who claimed he was prohibited from exercising his First Amendment right to freedom of religion during the recent federal government shutdown. You can read the two-page article as a PDF at
Chief Buddy Peaster, director of the MTSU Department of Public Safety, explained the university’s use of the Rave alert system for campus emergencies for an article in the Nov. 18 edition of University Business Magazine.
In a sidebar, Peaster discussed “Workplace Watch,” a neighborhood watch-type program to be implemented in 2014. The Rave story is at , and the Workplace Watch story can be accessed at
Media seeking expertise from MTSU personnel, as well as members of the campus community with expertise for media, may connect by contacting Gina Logue in the Office of News and Media Relations at 615-898-5081 or via email at