New magazine features horse science program, Murph...

New magazine features horse science program, Murphy Center

Click on the cover of the Winter 2013 edition of MTSU Magazine for exclusive online content!

The latest edition of the award-winning MTSU Magazine is stepping high with a profile on the university’s unique Horse Science Program and its outstanding results in placing graduates in jobs in the horse industry.

MTSU, which has the only horse science program in Tennessee and added one of the nation’s first master’s degree options in 2011, is well-regarded throughout the Southeast for both its equestrian teams and its equine education programs.

Other articles in the January edition show Murphy Center’s impact on the local community over its four decades in existence, as well as in-depth looks at MTSU’s programs in commercial songwriting and electronic media communication and their real-world learning that allows students to turn their professional dreams into reality, all the while helping to improve the Middle Tennessee workforce.

The magazine also includes features on:

  • MTSU’s resident butterfly expert;
  • the university’s bass fishing squad;
  • the already wildly successful $80 million fundraising campaign;
  • a renowned Google privacy expert; and
  • MTSU’s most active and successful graduates.

Readers may also download MTSU Magazine free for their iPads. The MTSU Mag app, available in the iTunes store, includes special iPad-only multimedia content built into every issue that’s not available in the print editions.

Printed copies of MTSU Magazine, which has been recognized for excellence by the Tennessee College Public Relations Association, the Nashville Public Relations Society of America and the Council for Advancement and Support of Education, are distributed twice annually to more than 100,000 alumni readers. The publication also is distributed to interested community members, including state lawmakers and members of the Tennessee Board of Regents.

The magazine is also available online at