Dr. Mark Jackson of the MTSU English Department led a special lecture on folk and blues musician Huddie “Lead Belly” Ledbetter this spring. The special lecture, held at the Paul W. Martin Senior Honors Building on campus, was part of the Spring 2012 Honors Lecture Series at MTSU on “Prison Writing.”
Dr. Mark Jackson of the MTSU English Department will lead a special lecture on folk and blues musician Huddie “Lead Belly” Ledbetter on Tuesday, April 3. The 4:30 p.m. lecture, “'The Jail House Is Full of Blues': Lead Belly’s Prison Pleas," will be held in Room 106 of the Paul W.…
In the third installment of the Spring 2012 Honors Lecture Series at MTSU, Dr. Robb McDaniel presented "The Self-Incriminator: John Lilburne, the Star Chamber and the English Origins of American Liberty" on Feb. 13. Lectures on this semester's topic, "Prison Writing: From Boethius to Mehdi Zana," are held each Monday…