Bonnie McCarty, left, of the MTSU Scholarship Office talks with Natalie Porter, right, and her father, Steve Porter, during a recruiting visit day in the Student Union earlier this year. Natalie Porter is a freshman this fall in the Jones College of Business. (MTSU file photo by Andy Heidt)
MTSU’s final Fall Preview Day of 2014 will not only include a campus visit but also an opportunity for prospective students and their families to attend a college football game.
Students who want to visit campus Saturday, Nov. 1, can still register to attend at www.mtsu.edu/rsvp.
The preview day starts at 8 a.m., but participants can arrive as early as 7:30 to check in inside the Student Union on the east side of campus.
To find parking and MTSU buildings, a printable campus map is available at http://tinyurl.com/MTSUParking14-15.
The preview day is scheduled to end at 3 p.m., but participants can purchase tickets to attend the MTSU-BYU football game, which has a 2:30 p.m. kickoff in Floyd Stadium.
“It’s going to be a beautiful day to be on the MTSU campus,” said Dr. Laurie Witherow, associate vice provost for admissions and enrollment services.

The 32-page MTSU Scholarship Guide for 2015-16 will be available at upcoming campus recruiting events.
“Later in the afternoon, the whole campus will be a buzz of activity getting ready for the football game, but the morning and early afternoon will be devoted to showing off all of the great academic programs and co-curricular activities MTSU has to offer.”
Campus and housing tours and academic sessions will be available throughout the day. Division of Student Affairs personnel and academic staff members will be available to answer questions from prospective students and their parents.
Lunch vouchers will be provided to more than 330 students registered for the event.
The preview day will be the last big recruiting event on campus before the Dec. 1 deadline for priority consideration for scholarships, Witherow added.
Scholarships available for MTSU students can be found at www.mtsu.edu/financial-aid/scholarships.
Any student already admitted to MTSU will receive an “I Choose True Blue” T-shirt when they check in.
Other upcoming on-campus recruiting events will include:
- special Saturday campus tours scheduled for Nov. 15 and Dec. 6. Both start in the Student Services and Admissions Center across from the Student Union. To register, visit http://tinyurl.com/ndqyvn5 or call 615-898-5670.
- the Jan. 23, 2015, True Blue Experience Day for prospective students who will study in the College of Behavioral and Health Sciences or the College of Liberal Arts and the Jan. 30 True Blue Experience Day for prospective students in the College of Mass Communication, Jones College of Business and the College of Education.
Daily campus tours also are being conducted. Call 615-898-5670 or visit www.mtsu.edu/tours to find available dates and to register.
— Randy Weiler (randy.weiler@mtsu.edu)