MTSU on WGNS: Opera, science renovations, black hi...

MTSU on WGNS: Opera, science renovations, black history project

MTSU faculty and staff took to WGNS Radio recently to share information about an upcoming opera performance, major renovations to science facilities and an ongoing partnership to document the area’s black history.

The details were shared during the Feb. 20 “Action Line” program with host Bart Walker. The live program was broadcast on FM 100.5, 101.9 and AM 1450 from the WGNS studio in downtown Murfreesboro. If you missed it, you can listen to a podcast of the show here.

Guests and their topics were as follows:

• H. Stephen Smith, professor of voice in the MTSU School of Music, discussed the upcoming presentation of the opera “Dido and Aeneas” March 31 through April 1.

WGNS-FM Radio’s “Action Line” program featured MTSU on its Monday, Feb. 20, program. Pictured are: at top from left to right, MTSU graduate student Lindsey Fisher; Vonchelle Stembridge, program coordinator for Bradley Academy Museum and Cultural Center; and MTSU history professor Brenden Martin; center, H. Stephen Smith, voice professor; and Dr. Ron Henderson, physics department chair. (MTSU photo illustration by Jimmy Hart)

WGNS-FM Radio’s “Action Line” program featured MTSU on its Monday, Feb. 20, program. Pictured are: at top from left to right, MTSU graduate student Lindsey Fisher; Vonchelle Stembridge, program coordinator for Bradley Academy Museum and Cultural Center; and MTSU history professor Brenden Martin; center, H. Stephen Smith, voice professor; and at bottom, Dr. Ron Henderson, physics department chair. (MTSU photo illustration by Jimmy Hart)

The MTSU Opera Theater will present “Dido and Aeneas” by Henry Purcell from 7:30 to 9 p.m. Friday and Saturday, March 31-April 1, in the Hinton Music Hall inside the Wright Music Building. Tickets are $10 to the general public and free to MTSU students with a valid ID.

“Dido and Aeneas” is an opera composed in or before 1689 by the English Baroque composer Henry Purcell. Purcell is considered one of the greatest English composers of his era. This era was known as the Baroque period, which was known for music that combined passionate emotion with complex, challenging techniques. MTSU students will put an interesting twist on their production by setting the opera well into the future — in the year 2500.

For more information about MTSU Opera Theater or become involved, contact Smith at or call 615-898-2504.

• Dr. Ron Henderson, chair for the Department of Physics, discussed the recent grand re-opening of the renovated Wiser-Patten Science Hall and Davis Science Building.

MTSU held a Feb. 15 ceremony to reopen the two buildings, which underwent roughly $20 million in renovations to provide updated space and technology to several of science-related programs. These renovations provide new homes for physics, geosciences, anthropology and other departments and functions of the university.

The university also unveiled the Science Corridor of Innovation, which combines the two renovated structures with the new Science Building and will eventually includes assets such as the living-learning residence hall for science students and the observatories.


• Dr. Brenden Martin, professor of history and director of the MTSU Public History Program, MTSU graduate student Lindsey Fisher, and Vonchelle Stembridge, program coordinator for Bradley Academy Museum and Cultural Center, discussed an ongoing African-American history project.

The MTSU Public History Program is partnering with Bradley and the Murfreesboro Parks and Recreation Department to create and install a new exhibit to interpret the history of African-American education in Rutherford County.

MTSU wants to get the word out to let the community know about this partnership, and is inviting anyone who has stories, images, objects, or memorabilia that they would be willing to share.

Read more and learn how you can help at

Students, faculty and staff who are interested in guesting on WGNS to promote their MTSU-related activities should contact Jimmy Hart, director of news and media relations, at 615-898-5131 or via email at


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