MTSU faculty and staff took to WGNS Radio recently to share information about the university’s new fermentation science degree, a revamped alumni-oriented event and the just started Scholars Week activities .
The details were shared during the March 20 “Action Line” program with host Bart Walker. The live program was broadcast on FM 100.5, 101.9 and AM 1450 from the WGNS studio in downtown Murfreesboro. If you missed it, you can listen to a podcast of the show here.
Guests and their topics were as follows:

The March 20 WGNS “Action Line” program featured, counterclockwise from top left, Dr. Tony Johnston, professor in the School of Agribusiness and Agriscience; Dr. Susan Myers-Shirk, interim history department chair; and Paul Wydra, assistant director in the Alumni Relations Office. (MTSU photo illustration by Jimmy Hart)
• Tony Johnston, professor in the School of Agribusiness and Agriscience, discussed MTSU’s new fermentation science degree program.
Johnston wrote the proposal for the new fermentation science major, the first degree program of its type in Tennessee.
• Paul Wydra, assistant director in the Alumni Relations Office, discussed the new Alumni Spring Showcase set for April 7-15.
The MTSU Alumni Relations Office is launching the new initiative to attract more alumni back to campus and deepen interaction with current students and the wider community.
See the full slate of events at
• Dr. Susan Myers-Shirk, professor and interim chair in the Department of History, discussed MTSU Scholars Week activities.
Best-selling author and cultural critic Nicholas Carr is giving a keynote address for MTSU’s Scholar Week at 7 p.m. Monday, Nov. 27, in the Student Union Ballroom. The event is free and open to the public. A book signing will follow.
MTSU Scholars Week is an annual weeklong celebration of research, scholarship, and creative projects and will take place March 27-31 this year.
For more about Scholars Week, visit
Students, faculty and staff who are interested in guesting on WGNS to promote their MTSU-related activities should contact Jimmy Hart, director of news and media relations, at 615-898-5131 or via email at