An MTSU student turned U.S. Army veteran let his camera tell the story of his service in Afghanistan in a recent exhibit inside the Todd Art Gallery on campus.
Duran Bunch, a junior marketing major, introduced his photos in an exhibit “Afghanistan: Through the Eyes of a Soldier,” which was on display Aug. 29-Sept. 19 in Room 210 of the Todd Building.
In 2009 Bunch joined the U.S. Army Reserve’s 325th Tactical Psychological Operations Company (Airborne) as a specialist and winding up in Kandahar, Afghanistan, to support the 82nd Airborne in 2011 and 2012.
Bunch, 25, bought a Pentax ZX-M 35mm camera and kept it and plenty of black-and-white film at hand throughout his tour of duty, using knowledge gained from working with renowned photographers Steven Klein and Steven Meisel to capture his documentary-style shots.
An MTSU student turned U.S. Army veteran will let his camera tell the story of his service in Afghanistan in a new exhibit opening this week inside the Todd Art Gallery on campus. "Afghanistan: Through the Eyes of a Soldier" by Duran Bunch, a junior marketing major, will be on display…
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