The Tennessee STEM Education Center at MTSU will conduct the 13th annual Tennessee STEM Education Research Conference Feb. 14-15 at MTSU.
The conference will bring together “great minds to engage in conversations about empirical studies in STEM education and their applications to practice in K-20 learning environments,” said Dr. Greg Rushton, the center’s director. “Those who wish to contribute to the conference may register and submit an abstract.”

Tennessee STEM Education Center Director Greg Rushton, second from left, is shown during a panel discussion at the university’s Texas Instruments-sponsored STEM Leadership Summit in mid-November. The first-year director is overseeing the Feb. 14-15 Tennessee STEM Education Research Conference at MTSU. (MTSU file photo by J. Intintoli)
STEM is the acronym for science, technology, engineering and math.

Dr. Ilana Horn

Dr. Vicente Talanquer
The keynote speakers will be Drs. Ilana Horn of Vanderbilt University and Vicente Talanquer of the University of Arizona. Horn is professor of math education at Vanderbilt’s Peabody College, and Talanquer is the first university distinguished professor in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of Arizona.
Registration cost is $60 per person; students receive a discounted rate of $30.
For more information about the conference, please visit the research conference page. To submit an abstract or download guidelines for presentations, visit the abstract submission page.
For more information, contact the Tennessee STEM Education Center by calling 615-904-8573.
— Randy Weiler (