One of the reasons I love MTSU so much is because of the opportunities and resources our campus offers. You have your typical heavy hitters like the University Writing Center in the library, but there are other resources that aren’t so talked about. Let’s dive into some of them.
1. FREE Tutoring
Okay, I know this one is talked about all the time. But I can’t help it. I need to make sure everyone and their mothers know about this because I’m all about setting yourself up for success.
In Walker Library there is a tutoring spot on the first floor in the back. You can also access the tutoring schedule by searching “tutoring” in the search bar of the main MTSU website. It should be the first link that pops up. You can search by department to see if the course you’re in has a tutor. We also have access to, an “online training video library.” It’s so easy to get this little extra help in your studies and of course, it’s free!

(Photo: Nicole Alexander)
2. Student Escorting by Campus Police
No one likes to feel unsafe while walking about the campus at night, especially if you’re walking alone. Personally, I work at a restaurant. This means I’m often not getting home until late hours of the night. When I lived on campus for my first year, I always felt relieved to know that if I ever felt unsafe walking by myself, all I had to do was call 615-898-2424 on my phone and ask for someone from Raider Patrol to walk me to my dorm. Raider Patrol consists of MTSU students and acts as “non-sworn uniformed personnel.” They provide safety escorts and also check and secure doors and windows of buildings on campus.
The MTSU Police Department also offers Rape Aggression Defense (RAD) self-defense classes for women. The class is free! Email for more information.

(Photo: MTSU Police Department)
3. The Albert Gore Research Center
A few of you might recall my article on “5 Things You Didn’t Know About MTSU.” In that article, I met with Donna J. Baker of the Albert Gore Research Center located in Todd Hall Suite 128. Whether you’re researching for an MTSU-related assignment, a history buff, or maybe you just have some free time, a trip to the Gore Center is always fascinating. They have everything from past course catalogs, pictures worth a thousand words, old Sidelines articles, and even a fork from the original campus dining hall. I could spend hours in that place and never get bored.

A fork from the original campus dining hall. (Photo: Nicole Alexander)
4. Student Food Pantry
I lived on campus during my freshman year. That year just so happened to be the 2019-2020 school year. I’m sure you know where I’m going with this. When a little pandemic who must not be named trekked itself into the world, I made the choice to stay put and live in a dorm by myself. I dealt with the absolute insanity that was the local Walmart and stocked up on food. However, I only had so much space, and eventually I ran low. I was too worried to go back to the store because cases were rising rapidly in Rutherford County. That’s when housing informed us of the Student Food Pantry located at MT One Stop. I decided to see what I could get and made the journey over there. I was pleasantly surprised because not only did they have a ton of food, but they were very understanding and let me take what I really needed. I ended up getting probably around a week’s worth of food from them and you could hardly tell I took anything. If you’re in a bind and need food, or you know someone who is, this is a fantastic resource. Click here for more information on what they need, how to donate and more.

Cans of heat-and-eat pasta await students in the MTSU Student Food Pantry, which still provides bags of food to students from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. (MTSU photo by Cat Curtis Murphy)
5. Charlie and Hazel Daniels Veterans and Military Family Center
Located in rooms 124 and 316 of the KUC, the Charlie and Hazel Daniels Veterans and Military Family Center works to ensure the academic success of students affiliated with veterans and the military. The Daniels Center several other things to help veterans and their families return to civilian life after serving in the military. Whatever you need, they are there to help you with it. It’s a great resource for military-affiliated students and veterans to have.

Keyann Reaves, 2018 alumna, Clinical Trial Research Assistant, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, General’s Fund Recipient in and around the Charlie and Hazel Daniels Veterans and Military Family Center.
I hope this list helped you learn about some of the resources on campus that aren’t talked about all that much. MTSU is a great school with countless amazing resources for students. These are just the tip of the iceberg. To find more resources, visit
Author Nicole Alexander is currently an undergraduate student in the Recording Industry Program in the College of Media and Entertainment.