The MTSU Police Department is offering a free five-week fall series of RAD, or Rape Aggression Defense, classes beginning Thursday, Sept. 11, for all female..
MTSU honored three insurance industry veterans recently with induction into the Robert E. Musto Tennessee Insurance Hall of Fame at Middle Tennessee State University. The..
MTSU will be closed Monday, Sept. 1, for the Labor Day holiday. No classes will be held and all business offices and academic departments will..
MTSU and Western Kentucky University and their supporters have helped save thousands of lives since 2010 with a friendly “blood battle” competition, and the rivalry..
Friday, Sept. 5, is the deadline for area writers to register to attend the Sept. 20 Creative Writers Conference of Middle Tennessee in MTSU’s James..
As first impressions go, the new $147 million MTSU Science Building left a lasting and memorable one Monday, Aug. 25, for students attending the opening..
As first impressions go, the new $147 million MTSU Science Building left a lasting and memorable one Monday, Aug. 25, for students attending the opening..
With more than 30 years of service molding future accountants as a member of the Jones College of Business faculty, Dr. Paula Thomas was honored..
An hourlong summer thunderstorm may have canceled the official MTSU Opening Night Ceremony, but it did not dampen spirits or curtail the annual President’s Picnic..
Middle Tennessee State University’s annual “We-Haul” volunteer move-in project, led by the university’s fraternities and sororities, helped students move into residence halls for the 2014-15..
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