In several national media outlets, MTSU faculty recently expressed their views on the treatment of circus animals, the impact of a compound found in wine..
Best snow day ever? Ask 200-plus young Midstate innovators who spent their morning at MTSU’s 23rd annual Invention Convention Feb. 26 for their top four..
The 2014 Invention Convention at MTSU marked its 22nd year by showcasing inventions from public-and private-school students in the fourth, fifth and sixth grades from..
A video projected on screens in the crowded ballroom of MTSU’s Student Union Thursday showed footage of the Invention Convention through the years, capturing young..
MTSU’s “Little Friends Helping Big Friends” food drive may need a little help hauling the ton of nonperishable food they want to deliver Monday, Nov...
Sunny smiles swept the clouds away Thursday, giving some of MTSU’s favorite little people and their big friends a great afternoon for a fall festival...
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