Since K-12 students can’t go to their classrooms, MTSU will help provide parents with the tools to conduct a “Classroom in Your Living Room.” The..
Last fall, at their kitchen tables and in their backyards, garages and classrooms, 828 Middle Tennessee youngsters saw 426 different needs — for a learning..
Producer: Gina Logue Guest: Dr. Karen Reed Synopsis: Reed, an associate professor in the James E. Walker Library, explains her research into why school librarians..
The dedication of school librarians was the topic of discussion on a recent “MTSU On the Record” radio program. Host Gina Logue’s interview with Dr. Karen Reed,..
A young Midstate inventor who got his first taste of real acclaim at MTSU’s annual Invention Convention is getting more national attention after a professional-caliber..
People arrived before 5:30 p.m. on a rainy Monday (Nov. 11), and they kept coming for a 7 p.m. event inside Tucker Theatre. They wanted..
An upcoming special MTSU Distinguished Lecture will feature internationally renowned autism awareness advocate Dr. Temple Grandin. Grandin’s lecture, “Helping Different Kinds of Minds Solve Problems,” is..
The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi has bestowed its top award upon MTSU’s chapter — and study-abroad grants on a trio of deserving MTSU..
National media outlets recently published the perspectives of MTSU faculty experts on topics including voter registration, white supremacists, the Mueller Report, teaching children about the..
There’s still room in the roundup for you and your family at this weekend’s “Saddle Up” 2019, the annual fundraiser for MTSU’s Ann Campbell Early..
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