June 10 tornado-siren test canceled; schedule resu...

June 10 tornado-siren test canceled; schedule resumes in July

stylized B&W tornado graphic on an MTSU blue background with a text box reading

To prevent potential confusion during any thunderstorms forecast for Tuesday, June 10, MTSU has canceled its planned routine test of the university’s tornado sirens on campus.

The brief test had been scheduled for 12:20 p.m. June 10.

The university will resume its normal tornado-siren testing schedule next month  at 11:15 a.m. Wednesday, July 9.

The university notifies the campus and surrounding neighborhoods before these tests each month. Tests are conducted on alternating Tuesdays and Wednesdays to minimize distractions for classes and neighbors.

Members of the campus community can prepare for emergency weather situations anytime by checking MTSU’s list of “safe places” at You also can make note of the siren-testing schedule by visiting Bookmark both sites!