MTSU reaffirms university values on the 13th anniv...

MTSU reaffirms university values on the 13th anniversary of the True Blue Pledge [WATCH]

MURFREESBORO, Tenn. — The Blue Raider community is kicking off the fall 2024 semester by reaffirming its True Blue Pledge, a Middle Tennessee State University tradition to showcase the university’s values. 

A diverse group of students, faculty and staff joined together to reiterate those values for the upcoming academic year through a special video.

The pledge, which begins with the simple phrase “I am True Blue,” underscores MTSU’s core values of honesty and integrity; respect for diversity; engagement in the community; and committing to reason, not violence.

This year marks the 13th anniversary of the pledge. President Sidney A. McPhee led a university task force to create this pledge following the tragic death of Lady Raider basketball player Tina Stewart who was killed by her roommate during an argument in their off-campus apartment.

Dr. Sidney A. McPhee, MTSU president
Dr. Sidney A. McPhee

“The values recited in this pledge are timeless and reflect the very best of what it means to be True Blue,” McPhee said. “Being a part of the Blue Raider family is a privilege as well as a responsibility, and I’m grateful for all of those across our campus community who participated in this year’s True Blue Pledge video to reaffirm these values we hold so dear.”

The True Blue Pledge is recited each year at the fall University Convocation ceremony when McPhee, top administrators and staff welcome new students and explain MTSU traditions and rituals. 

Now in his second term, MTSU Student Government Association President Michai Mosby led this year’s pledge this past Saturday during Convocation at Murphy Center. 

Watch the latest video below:

The True Blue Pledge reads:

“I am True Blue.

As a member of this diverse community, I am a valuable contributor to its progress and success.

I am engaged in the life of this community. I am a recipient and a giver.

I am a listener and a speaker. I am honest in word and deed. I am committed to reason, not violence.

I am a learner now and forever.

I am a BLUE RAIDER. True Blue!”

Those included in the new video, in order of appearance, include:

  • Michai Mosby — senior, public relations, Student Government Association president.
  • Katrina Aguilar — senior, political science. 
  • Dr. Francis Tama Koti — professor, Department of Political and Global Affairs, Global Studies and Human Geography.
  • Nate Gott — junior, commercial songwriting.
  • Dr. Stacy Fields — assistant professor, Department of Elementary and Special Education.
  • Kimora Thompson — sophomore, environmental science.
  • Garvon Bullard — senior, audio production.
  • Lt. Col. Arlin Wilsher — professor, Department of Military Science, Army ROTC.
  • Luis Esmurria — junior, business administration.
  • Jessica Chastain — junior, tourism and hospitality management.
  • Owen Jackson — first grader, Homer Pittard Campus School.
  • Jalynn Gregory — senior, psychology, women’s basketball.
  • Ondrej Horak — junior, sports management, men’s tennis,
  • Molly Mihm — Master of Administration and Supervision degree candidate in higher education.
  • Dr. Joyce Heames — dean, Jones College of Business.

For more information about MTSU’s True Blue initiative, visit

— Maddy Williams (

Middle Tennessee State University Student Government Association President Michai Mosby led the recitation of the True Blue Pledge at the 23rd annual University Convocation held Saturday, Aug. 24, in Murphy Center in Murfreesboro, Tenn.
Middle Tennessee State University Student Government Association President Michai Mosby led the recitation of the True Blue Pledge at the 23rd annual University Convocation held Saturday, Aug. 24, in Murphy Center in Murfreesboro, Tenn.