The annual Regional Science Olympiad will take place virtually on Saturday, Feb. 27, for middle schools and high schools across Tennessee.
Pat Patterson, MTSU Department of Chemistry professor and regional director, said 12 events are scheduled. Virtual (Zoom) events will take place from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. CT.

Dr. Pat Patterson
Regional Science Olympiad, normally an in-person event held at MTSU and other campuses in the state, is being held remotely this year to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 and in line with state and federal recommendations.
Science Olympiad is a team competition in which students participate in events pertaining to various scientific disciplines, including earth science, biology, chemistry, physics and engineering.
Among the middle school events will be “Disease Detective,” “Dynamic Planet” and “Reach for the Stars.”
High school events will include “Designer Genes,” “Sounds of Music” and “Water Quality.”
Various MTSU faculty members, staff and students assist with running the virtual events.
Advancing teams — 20 middle schools and 26 high schools — will compete in the Science Olympiad State Tournament’s virtual event on Saturday, April 17.
For more information, email Patterson at or call 615-898-5085.
Chemistry is one of 11 departments in the College of Basic and Applied Sciences.
— Randy Weiler (