MTSU recently launched a new marketing campaign called “I Am True Blue.” What does it mean to be True Blue? MTSU is committed to developing..
by Drew Ruble One of the perks of working at MTSU is the ability to take one course per semester to apply either to the..
As director of Alumni Relations, I am committed to finding ways to keep alumni informed and updated on the ever-increasing programs and activities of our..
Five Minutes with the President You are currently serving a second term as the Sun Belt conference’s representative on the NCAA Division I Board of..
The MTSU Poll provides a semiannual glimpse into who we are By Suma Clark Ken Blake, Director of the Twice-Yearly MTSU Poll, remembers an interesting..
Dr. Michael D. Allen, MTSU vice provost for research and dean of the College of Graduate Studies, worked more than 14 years at Sandia National..
The commitment to further research and creative activity among our faculty and students is integral to MTSU’s mission. Faculty scholarship not only drives innovation and..
Since my wife is an alum of MTSU, we receive all the publications. The new magazine is FIRST RATE in every way. Also, it has..
MTSU Magazine: MTSU kicks off a celebration of its Centennial year next month. What will MTSU be in the next 100 years? Dr. Sidney A...