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Raiders of Innovation

Raiders of Innovation

The MTSU Alumni Association presents its 2016–17 Distinguished Alumni honorees

logos-3upOutstanding alumni bring MTSU prestige and distinction through their professional careers, loyal support, and service to the wider community. From 1960 to the present, the MTSU Alumni Association has recognized accomplished alumni in various categories. Here are the 2016–17 honorees.


2016-10-14D Distinguished Alumni AwardsDISTINGUISHED ALUMNUS

Jeff Creek (’67, Chemistry and Mathematics)

A globally recognized petroleum chemistry expert, Creek retired in January 2016 after 38 years with Chevron Energy Technology Co. as the company’s leader in phase behavior and thermodynamics of hydrocarbon systems. In 2013, he was named Chevron Fellow, the company’s highest honor. An internationally sought-after speaker, Creek serves as an adjunct professor in the Department of Chemical and Biomechanical Engineering at Rice University and as an affiliate professor in the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering at Colorado School of Mines.


Bobbie Jo Meredith (’05, Computer Engineering Technology)

Meredith has become a key figure with Schneider Electric, not only in managing a global product portfolio between the U.S., India, Canada, and France, but also in recruiting girls and young women to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. An MTSU Women in STEM and Engineering Technology board member, Meredith volunteered at Expanding Your Horizons in Math and Science, Girl Day, DigiGirlz, and other campus events, enlisting Schneider Electric as a frequent sponsor.


2016-10-14D Distinguished Alumni AwardsACHIEVEMENT IN EDUCATION (MTSU FACULTY)

Dan Pfeifer (’83, Music)

Pfeifer recently completed his 25th year as an MTSU faculty member in the Department of Recording Industry. He was awarded the MTSU Outstanding Teacher Award in 1997 and served as Faculty Senate president in 2003. Before coming to MTSU, he worked in the music industry, serving as audio engineer and producer for superstars such as B.B. King, ZZ Top, Al Green, and Jerry Lee Lewis. An in-demand audio engineering expert, Pfeifer is sought after to train employees at companies including National Public Radio in Washington, D.C.



2016-10-14D Distinguished Alumni AwardsACHIEVEMENT IN EDUCATION (NON-MTSU)

Helen Campbell (’01, ’08, ’14, History, Secondary Education, K–12 Administration and Supervision, Curriculum and Instruction)

By age 35, Campbell had already served four years as an assistant principal and two years as a principal. At Walter Hill Elementary, she created an innovative learning methodology with her “House” program, which employs a Harry Potter-type theme with a twist. Campbell has presented many times at conferences since the program’s inception. The Rutherford County Schools director credited the program with increasing school morale, inspiring teachers to more actively engage with students, and raising test scores.


2016-10-14D Distinguished Alumni AwardsSERVICE TO THE UNIVERSITY

Cynthia Chappell (’71, ’76, English and Biology)

Chappell founded the MTSU Alumni Chapter in Houston, the nation’s fourth most-populated city. She took it upon herself to write bylaws, establish a leadership team, develop goals and initiatives, and lead the University’s alumni efforts in the Texas region. Through Chappell’s leadership, the group is helping to recruit students to MTSU, relocate MTSU graduates to Houston by arranging professional opportunities, link alumni and new graduates for mentoring, and incubate a social media effort for those interested in meeting other MTSU alumni.



2016-10-14D Distinguished Alumni AwardsSERVICE TO THE COMMUNITY

Elizabeth “Libby” Green (’78, History)

Green retired from a career in human resources at Pinnacle Bank. Her volunteer career is vast and includes many years of service to the Oaklands Association board of trustees. She also served as former interim director of Main Street Murfreesboro. A former adjunct History professor at MTSU and a member of MTSU’s prestigious Signal Society (which honors annual donors who have supported the University in 20 or more years), Green currently serves the University as a member of the MTSU Friends of Liberal Arts Board.

True Blue!

To nominate someone for a Distinguished Alumni award, visit