Middle Tennessee State University officials urge prospective high school seniors and their parents or guardians to apply by Monday, Dec. 1, if they plan to..
MTSU’s final Fall Preview Day of 2014 will not only include a campus visit but also an opportunity for prospective students and their families to..
MTSU President Sidney A. McPhee emphasized the university’s recently unveiled financial incentives to help future students stay enrolled in a guest commentary published Wednesday, Oct...
MTSU hopes to boost recruitment of incoming freshmen and transfer students with a recent change to scholarship eligibility requirements intended to help more students ease..
The annual MTSU Pigskin Pre-Game preseason social event will offer another new venue and will be held earlier this year. The event, sponsored by the..
Dr. McPhee discusses help available to students in need...
It’s time for the annual School of Agribusiness and Agriscience plant sale at the Horticulture Center on Blue Raider Drive across from the Tennessee Livestock..
Prospective college students and their parents or guardians can receive free assistance with filing the online application to receive financial aid at the upcoming College..
While watching Super Bowl XLVII in February, a Lincoln County, Tenn., native and Middle Tennessee State University alumna knew she made the right decision regarding..
Prospective high school students wanting priority consideration for key MTSU academic scholarships for the 2014-15 academic year will have until Monday, Dec. 2, to apply...