In an effort to reduce student textbook costs and keep students on track to complete their classes, Middle Tennessee State University is piloting a program..
Talk about meeting housing needs: An artificial reef created in the Dominican Republic by MTSU concrete industry management students this summer is already generating some..
A college student who is living a baseball fan’s most cherished dream spoke about her work on a recent edition of “MTSU On the Record” radio program...
MTSU’s College of Liberal Arts is now offering an advanced degree that allows students to develop skills and expand knowledge in subjects they’re most passionate..
An MTSU student who was inspired to set Pearl Harbor to music was the guest on a July 2015 edition of the “MTSU On the Record”..
Imagine a class full of college students giving up their cell phones for 10 days. In an early-summer 2015 study-abroad class taught in Fiji, MTSU..
Prospective MTSU students and their families wanting to visit campus this summer have ample opportunities. Now through Friday, Aug. 7, campus tours will be offered..
Ten MTSU Concrete Industry Management students recently took a study-abroad trip to the Dominican Republic where they formed and poured concrete prisms used to make..
MTSU’s solar boat team sailed confidently against a strong field competing in a recent national competition in Dayton, Ohio. The team’s confidence with the solar..
MTSU President Sidney A. McPhee, in a statement released June 24, said it was “right and appropriate” to engage the university community on the name..
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