Beginning next academic year, the service that makes sure MTSU students look their best when interviewing for jobs will have a permanent location. Raiders’ Closet,..
Middle Tennessee State University calls it CUSTOMS — MTSU’s summer orientation program for new students, freshmen and transfers. CUSTOMS shows freshmen the ropes of being..
MTSU will be closed Monday, May 26, for the Memorial Day holiday. All offices will be closed and no summer term classes will be held...
MTSU faculty and staff again shared their expertise with listeners of WGNS radio during the May 19 “Action Line” program with veteran host Bart Walker...
The weekly MTSU Student Farmers Market will be open most Fridays this summer at the Horticulture Center on Lightning Way across from the Tennessee Livestock Center. With..
As thousands of students depart MTSU for summer vacation or post-graduate careers, the work of the university’s Student Food Pantry remains as important as ever...
Young people across Middle Tennessee who enjoy reading and writing still have time to register for MTSU’s annual Youth Writers’ Camps June 9-19. Students who’ve..
Dog lovers and running aficionados are gearing up for a rite of spring that gets tongues and tails wagging each year on the MTSU campus...
MTSU’s Todd Art Gallery is offering area art lovers a veritable garden of delights as multiple special exhibits are on display for the public through month’s end. The..
Funeral services were held May 10 for Joseph T. Smith, MTSU director of bands emeritus, MTSU alumnus and 50-year music educator, who passed away May 7. Smith,..
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