“The Christmas Star” of 2020, also known as “The Great Winter-Solstice Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn,” will occur in the western horizon just after nightfall on..
Masks muffled the collective sighs of relief at MTSU‘s fall 2020 commencement ceremonies Saturday, Nov. 21, when nearly 2,100 graduates and their loved ones realized..
MTSU faculty and staff continued sharing their expertise with local, national and international news agencies in the early summer on topics including nutrition education, racial..
Middle Tennessee State University‘s “Out of the Blue” TV magazine show is staying in touch thanks to teleconferencing technology with our May 2020 edition, featuring..
MTSU Department of Physics and Astronomy faculty member Gregg McPherson will bring a Virtual Star Party via Zoom starting at 6:30 p.m. Friday, April 3...
MTSU faculty members Seth Jones and Hanna Terletska hold a distinction no other Middle Tennessee State University professors have ever obtained — National Science Foundation..
If the show must go on — and for MTSU’s Department of Physics and Astronomy it does — professor John Wallin has a plan in..
MTSU professor Eric Klumpe is again providing fun and entertaining lectures during the Department of Physics and Astronomy’s series of Star Parties. For the kickoff..
ATLANTA, Ga., and CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. — Jacob Cruz has been into music “ever since he could crawl,” his father, Leonard Cruz, of Dacula, Georgia, said...
NASHVILLE, Tenn. — The amazing Alnassar triplets are preparing to enter MTSU. They will be dual-enrollment students next fall and full-fledged freshmen in the future...
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