Bright, animated and full of energy and determination, Chloe Johnstone epitomized many of the girls and young women attending the 25th Tennessee Girls in STEM Conference..
An MTSU professor will explain the benefits of breast milk in an upcoming virtual presentation. Janet Colson, a professor of nutrition in the Department of..
MTSU assistant professor Yangseung Jeong has earned the prestigious Ellis R. Kerley Research Award. Jeong, who has been a member of the Department of Biology..
Middle Tennessee State University is saluting 75 retiring employees as the 2021-22 academic year begins to wind down, honoring their 1,959 combined years of service..
Reporters sought insights from various members of the MTSU community recently for stories on minority viewpoints, the printing industry, confiscating Russian assets and the impact..
MTSU faculty and staff appeared on WGNS Radio’s “Action Line” program recently to talk about campus events for the April 4-8 Financial Literacy Week, the School..
Middle Tennessee State University’s Board of Trustees voted Tuesday, April 5, to extend President Sidney A. McPhee’s contract through 2026. McPhee has led MTSU through..
MTSU, its Aerospace Department and Delta Air Lines celebrated a fourth anniversary of their partnership Tuesday, April 5, with a very special occasion: Recognizing alumnus..
Producer/Host: Gina Logue Guest: Dr. Anne Anderson Synopsis: The holder of the Weatherford Chair of Finance previews Financial Literacy Week, a week of enlightening activities..
The April 2022 edition of Middle Tennessee State University‘s “Out of the Blue” TV magazine show is abloom with news on our unique preschool, the..
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