MTSU offers dozens of degree programs to fill every niche in Metro Nashville's massive health care ecosystem, from corporate suites to rural clinics...
Aspiring doctors don’t have to major in pre-med. In fact, med schools might prefer that they don’t, said Eric Miller, advisor for MTSU’s Allied Health..
Metro Nashville’s health care ecosystem is like the human body: Big things happen where we can’t see them. Blue Raiders are doing lifesaving work behind..
ATHLETIC TRAINER TRAINING When Buffalo Bills safety Damar Hamlin collapsed midgame in January 2023, the team’s athletic trainers helped resuscitate him and keep him stable..
MTSU's International Ginseng Institute is working closely with the budding regional community of ginseng growers like Larry Sanderson to breathe new life into an old..
First African American church in three-county area finds assistance from Center for Historic Preservation..
MTSU's Beatriz Dedicatoria served an internship at the prestigious Cannes International Film Festival in France last year...
Married mom of five completed MTSU undergraduate program's first thesis 50 years ago..
Mother made sure MTSU graduate was a gentleman before Army turned him into an officer..
Derek Mason is not someone who stands still often. That same charismatic, active presence helped earn him the job leading the Blue Raider football program...