A brief look at important research at MTSU
By Tom Tozer..
A new report edited by an MTSU professor calls middle Tennessee's racially moderate reputation into question..
Governor signs bill at MTSU opening Hope Scholarship dollars for 2012 study..
Four MTSU alums fuel the fame of one of country music’s biggest acts...
The Center for Popular Music houses a world-renowned archive—and direct portal to the popular consciousness of past generations...
MTSU Magazine: MTSU kicks off a celebration of its Centennial year next month. What will MTSU be in the next 100 years? Dr. Sidney A...
MTSU graduate Cynthia Fitzgerald gains much deserved recognition for her good works
By Drew Ruble..
My office is located in the Tom Jackson Building, one of MTSU’s original four buildings when it opened 100 years ago in 1911. Right outside the front..
Introducing the 2011-2012 class of Distinguished Alumni by Gina K. Logue, Drew Ruble, and Randy Weiler Many MTSU alumni bring the University recognition and prestige..